
An overview of the notification types supported by the payment module.

Accounting as a Service supports the concept of notifications, allowing the merchant to be informed upon certain events happening inside the system. The concept is based around the idea of having different notification types, for which the merchant can provide a URL to be called back whenever an event of such type occurs.

This page is supposed to provide an overview of the notification types of the payment module. In case you need more general information about notifications in Accounting as a Service, please refer to the related section of the common API elements.

In the scope of the payment module, the notification handling has been build on top of the transaction (and its state model) as the core element that needs to be processed by the payment processing engine. Therefore, the list of notification types supported by the module is strongly linked to the list of different states as supported by the transaction state machine. In addition, there are also notification types related to the registration and its states.

Supported notification types

When working with notifications of the payment module, the following notification types are available.

Notification types for transactions

To keep track of changes on a transaction, the following list of notification types is supported by the payment module.

In case you want to register a callback for a type, make a POST /administration/{version}/notification-callbacks request using the type (e.g. payments/transactionAuthorized) as value in the list of notificationTypes.

In summary, an event is triggered whenever a transaction changes its status to one of the following states from the transaction state machine:

State Notification type Description
Authorized payments/transactionAuthorized Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status Authorized.
AuthorizationFailed payments/transactionAuthorizationFailed Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status AuthorizationFailed.
Canceled payments/transactionCanceled Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status Canceled.
CancelationFailed payments/transcationCancelationFailed Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status CancelationFailed.
Captured payments/transactionCaptured Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status Captured.
CaptureFailed payments/transactionCaptureFailed Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status CaptureFailed.
Refunded payments/transactionRefunded Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status Refunded.
RefundFailed payments/transactionRefundFailed Triggered whenever a transaction changes into the status RefundFailed.

Sample notification

  "id": "40ffceca-642a-4158-85fc-3efa0e970db5",
  "timestamp": "2021-04-23T18:25:43.5110000+00:00",
  "parameters": {
    "paymentTransactionToken": "280047292",
    "statusChange": {
      "from": "Captured",
      "to": "Refunded"
  "type": "payments/transactionAuthorized"

Notification types for registrations

To keep track of changes on a registration, the following list of notification types is supported by the payment module. In case you need more information about payment registrations, please refer to the use case Payment registration.

In case you want to register a callback for a type, make a POST /administration/{version}/notification-callbacks request using the type (e.g. payments/registrationActivated) as value in the list of notificationTypes.

To summarize, an event is triggered whenever a registration changes its status to one of the following states:

State Notification type Description
RegistrationActivated payments/registrationActivated Triggered whenever a registration changes into the status RegistrationActivated.
RegistrationCanceled payments/registrationCanceled Triggered whenever a registration changes into the status RegistrationCanceled.
RegistrationFailed payments/registrationFailed Triggered whenever a registration changes into the status RegistrationFailed.

Sample notification

  "id": "40ffceca-642a-4158-85fc-3efa0e970db5",
  "timestamp": "2021-04-23T18:25:43.5110000+00:00",
  "parameters": {
    "paymentRegistrationId": "12212",
    "statusChange": {
      "from": "Registering",
      "to": "RegistrationActivated"
  "type": "payments/registrationActivated"

See also