Go-live checklist

A high-level checklist to be used when planning your Go-live.

Are you ready to launch? This page shall provide you with an overview of the most important things to be checked and validated before you go live with Accounting as a Service.

Depending on the bundle you use and your overall setup and configuration, some checks in the following list may not be relevant and can therefore be ignored.

Please walk through the list of check points below to ensure that everything in place.

Technical topics

  • Subscription keys received: You have created at least one user account in both environments, TEST and PROD. A dedicated product has been made available to you in the both environments (and can be accessed by you in the product section of the API Explorer). You have subscribed to the product in each environment and received your subscription keys allowing you to consume the API.
  • Payment methods ready for use: For each payment method, the contractual and technical setup has been completed with all relevant providers.
    • The details for the setup are communicated to Accounting as a Service for the setup.
    • Settlement files have been provided for each payment service provider.
    • Bank details have been set up and the EBICS users are set up. A first bank statement has been provided.
  • Development done: All integration related development work has been completed and released.
  • Notifications configured: In case you are using notifications, you have configured and tested all relevant notification callbacks. The reception of notifications works fine in TEST and PROD environment. All related implementation work (i.e. the processing of incoming notifications) has been completed.
  • Exception handling exists: You have put a robust error handling in place. The error handling has been tested and approved. Related monitoring for all APIs has been installed on your end.
  • PROD environment ready for use: You have set up and configured your production environment to be used for the Go-live.

Organizational topics

  • Onboarding completed: You have provided all details for the technical setup. All related questions have been clarified.
  • All accesses in place: You have checked and made sure that all relevant users have access to myAccounting, the reporting portal and the ticket system. (Check out the technical application for more information)
  • Bank accounts set up: You have set up a dedicated bank account for each company code and made sure that it is only used for payment processes linked to the transactions which you are going to be processed via Accounting as a Service. (Check out the technical application for more information)
  • All processes in place: You have checked and made sure that all relevant operational processes are properly configured and aligned (e.g. the chargeback handling).
  • Roll-out planned: You have laid out your plan for the period of the roll-out including the timeline, the list of responsibilities with all relevant contact persons and tasks to be performed by each person.
  • Integration test completed The API communication has been tested (orders and other requests (see use cases) have been provided and could be processed. You have tested a couple of possible scenarios to make sure your integration can handle the entire order to cash lifecycle according to your needs.
  • User acceptance test completed The Accounting as a Service team provides a testset for a standardized setup. Based on this the user acceptance criteria have been defined and the test has been completed. all acceptance criterias are met and the sign-off for go-live has been provided.
  • Live testing passed: You have performed live tests (in alignment with the team from Accounting as a Service) by testing at least the execution of a concrete use case inclduing some exceptions (e.g. a cancellation, a return, etc.) per payment method with real payment instruments to ensure that all configuration is in place and the system is functional.
  • Approval provided: You have provided an approval for the setup and confirm that everything has been set up as you requested it.

Operational topics

  • Hypercare planned: You have planned to monitor all processes end-2-end closely in the first days including all vendors, partners and systems
  • Daily business planned: All employees on your end are trained to use the output of Accounting as a Service, e.g. your accountants know about the month-end closing process, your service center knows how to use the myAccounting GUI + the ticket support tool and your managers know how to access and use the reporting portal
  • Product catalogue set up: In case you are using the subscription module, your product catalogue has been defined and configured to include all product information relevant for your Go-live.

All questions answered with a YES? Then you should be ready to go live! We are happy to welcome you on board of the Accounting as a Service.