Add payment

An overview of the typical use case to add a payment for an order with an omnichannel payment method.

In case of Omnichannel payments, you can provide information about a payment which was received e.g. in one of your physical stores via this API to balance open positions.

How it works

When adding a payment, the following process steps will take place:

  1. (Prerequisite) Order has been placed following create webshop order using an omnichannel payment method or any other payment method (e.g. open invoice).
  2. (Prerequisite-optional) Order has been delivered (payment method open invoice which is paid in a store).
  3. (Prerequisite) has been paid in the brick and mortar store.
  4. Merchant passes payment information to Accounting as a Service.
  5. Accounting as a Service books payment.
Payment of an online order with any payment method in store
High-level process description
An overview using BPMN to describe the process flow
Checkout the BPMN illustration to get an overview of the process, including the various activities and participating main actors.
Online order with delivery/pickup and payment in a store
High-level process description
An overview using BPMN to describe the process flow
Checkout the BPMN illustration to get an overview of the process, including the various activities and participating main actors.
Order in a store and delivery via online supply chain
High-level process description
An overview using BPMN to describe the process flow
Checkout the BPMN illustration to get an overview of the process, including the various activities and participating main actors.

How to implement

Add payment

To add a payment, make a POST /accounting/{version}/businesses/{businessCode}/customers/{customerNumber}/orders/{orderReference}/payments request, where {businessCode} is the ID of the related business entity, {customerNumber} is the identifier of the affected customer and {orderReference} is the reference of the order where to add the payment to.

For more information, please refer to the related endpoint description within the API Explorer.

Sample request
POST /accounting/v1/businesses/1000/customers/TFI2021072801/orders/ODE12345678901/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "authorizedAmount": 5.00,
    "paymentProvider": "ACME Payment Services"
Sample response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "internalRequestId": "23c9579b-baaf-468f-a529-f876226e183c"

See also