Tax information report

An overview of the tax data reporting of Accounting as a Service with the provision of all relevant tax information for forwarding to local tax authorities.

The accounting module can provide a tax report on a daily basis. This report provides various booked tax data (e.g. VAT-ID, Tax no, Tax rate, etc.) for each line item of an order, return or goodwill credit. The report can be imported to your system to forward the information to local tax authorities like Italy or Hungary.

Format options

The data will be provided in XML or CSV format.

Transfer options

In order to handle the data transfer of the tax information, the accounting module offers the following format and data transfer handling options:

  • Download via sFTP: We can provide you with a dedicated sFTP account. Once the general ledger balance is available, you can download the data as a file for automated importing from the sFTP server.

The tax information that will be provided to you contains the data of the previous day.

Download via sFTP

When using this transfer option, you will provide be provided with dedicated sFTP credentials to the sFTP server of Accounting as a Service as part of the onboarding process.

Possible file formats

Based on your configuration, the file format will be one of the following formats:

Format Sample Designed for
XML DailyTax_S4D_050_1000_20211005_160010.xml automated import in other G/L systems
CSV DailyTax_S4C_050_1000_20211005_1600.csv automated import in other G/L systems

Helpful information to read the file (XML, CSV)

When working with the files, be aware of the following field names and their explanation.


An overview of the field names of the header.

Field name Description Additional Information
AqountInterfaceVersion Accounting report version
AqountInterfaceRunId Accounting report run id
AqountRunDate Date of creation YYYYMMDD
AqountRunTime Time of creation HHMMSS
AqountSelectionDateFrom Date range (from) for the selection of data YYYYMMDD
AqountSelectionDateTo Date range (from) for the selection of data YYYYMMDD
AqountExportSystem System from which the data has been gathered PREPROD: Test-System (external usage)
PROD: Production system
Client Client number within Accouting module Number generated in onboarding process
CompanyCode Company code for which the report is generated Code as defined in onboarding process
Customer address information

An overview of the field names of the customer address information

Field name Description Additional information
AqountBP Accounting internal business partner ID
AddressType Type of address will always be "Bill" for billing address
CustomerNo Customer number as reported by you in order creation process
Title Salutation used for communication purposes of person on invoice 0001 = Mrs.
0002 = Mr.
0003 = Company
0004 = undefined
Firstname First name of person on invoice
Lastname Last name of person on invoice
Street Address line 1 of billing address
AdditionalAddress Address line 2 of billing address
HouseNo House number of billing address if provided in the create order process
PostCode Postal code of billing address
City City of billing address
Phone Phone number of person on invoice if provided in the create order process
Mobile Mobile phone number of person on invoice if provided in the create order process
CustomerCountry Country of billing address
Language Language used in communication of billing documents
TaxNo Tax number of person on invoice
VatId VAT-ID of a company on invoice
General order information

An overview of the field names of the general order information

Field name Description Additional information
AqountBookingNo Accounting internal booking number
ItemType Defines the type of the document RR = invoice
RT = return
RG = goodwill credit
Country Country the tax has to be declared (VatDeclarationCountry)
OrderNo External order number
InvoiceNo External invoice number
InitialInvoiceNumber External order number of the original order referenced to only relevant for ItemType = RT and RG
InvoiceDate Date the invoice has been created YYYYMMDD
BookingDate Date the invoice/return/goodwill credit has been booked YYYYMMDD
DueDate Date the payment is due YYYYMMDD
PaymentMethodCode Payment method used in order Z001 = Direct Debit
Z002 = Open invoice
Z003 = Pre Payment
Z004 = Credit card
Z005 = Cash on Delivery
Z008 = PayPal
Z010 = Amazon Pay
Z015 = Bank Verification
Z018 = In Store Payment (Prepayment)
Z019 = In Store Payment (Open Invoice)
Z020 = In Store Payment (with Pickup)
Z022 = Gift card payment (100% payment)
Z023 = iDEAL
Z024 = EPS
Z025 = Bancontact / Mr.Cash
Z026 = P24
Z030 = AfterPay Open Invoice
Z031 = AfterPay Direct Debit
Z032 = AfterPay Installment
Z033 = Apple store payment
Z034 = Google play store payment
Z035 = Amazon app store payment
Z036 = SEPA Direct Debit Collected
Z037 = Klarna (Installment)
Z038 = Klarna (Open Invoice)
Z039 = Klarna (Direct Debit)
Z040 = Huawei Pay
Z041 = GiroPay
Z042 = Trustly
Z043 = PayU
Z044 = Multibanco
Z045 = Blik
General order information

An overview of the field names of the general order information

Field name Description Additional information
AqountGUID internal reference for acounting (report GUID)
AqountLinenumber Accounting line item position
InvoiceDeliveryDate Date the invoice, return, goodwill credit has been invoiced YYYYMMDD
TaxBaseAmount Net amount of the line item Only filled for ItemType = RR
DifferenceTaxBaseAmount Net amount of the line item (subsequent document) Only filled for ItemType = RT and RG
TaxRate Tax rate of the line item
TaxAmount TaxAmount Only filled for ItemType = RR
DifferenceTaxAmount Tax amount (subsequent document) Only filled for ItemType = RT and RG
GrossAmount Position gross amount
Currency Currency in which the order has been booked
PaymentDate Date the payment YYYYMMDD
ItemText Description of item
Quantity Quantity as provided in order creation
QuantityType Quantity type as provided in order creation e.g. ST = Stück (Pieces)
GenericPosField1 Merchant individual generic information that can be provided in order creation
GenericPosField2 Merchant individual generic information that can be provided in order creation
GenericPosField3 Merchant individual generic information that can be provided in order creation
GenericPosField4 Merchant individual generic information that can be provided in order creation
GenericPosField5 Merchant individual generic information that can be provided in order creation