The following scope is included in the standard dunning setup
If you want Accounting as a Service to send out payment and dunning reminders, these have to be configured as part of your setup. All parameters can be configured individually in the application form, but also changed later while business is running. If you need a customer-group specific dunning workflow, please reach out to us. Also, please note that Accounting as a Service allows monitoring of all related processes in its reporting portal.
The following Scope is included in the standard dunning setup
A common standard dunning escalation process looks as follows:
Please note: dunning fees can be charged at the individual dunning levels.
To define the dunning process we will need the following information:
Field | Additional notes |
Dunning threshold | Debtor accounts with lower overdue balance will not be included in the dunning process. |
Days until write-off of outstanding receivables | If outstanding receivables are below the dunning threshold or no dunning process is activated, the amounts will be written-off after this period of time. Accounting as a Service writes off after 60 days. |
Sender email address | Email address that will be displayed in the sender information to the end-customers |
Each dunning level (dunning communication) can be configured individually. Therefore the following information is needed by dunning level:
Information | Description |
Days overdue | Accounts for the first dunning level (payment reminder). All receivealbes overdue will be included in the communication if one open receivable is over this value. |
Payment term | time, the customer has to pay the open amount. This will be used in the email communication. The date does not change the intervall itself. Therefore the payment term should be shorter than the days after last communication. Please note: in operations the incoming payment may take up to 4 days to be reported to Accounting as a Service. Therefore the payment term should be about 4 days shorter than the days after last communication |
Dunning interval | Number of days after the last communication (from dunning level 1 onwards) until sending out the next communication. Please note, this value should always be at least 4 days more than the payment term, so that transfered amounts at the last day of the payment term can still be considered before sending out the next communication. |
Channel | Accounting as a Service can send out emails or white letter to the client. Please note that if an email address is not provided correctly, a last attempt to reach the end-customer may be to send the white letter. |
The image below shows what can be changed in the dunning/payment reminder email:
For the setup of the emails we need the following information:
Information | Description | Sample |
Subject line | Custom reference. | "Friendly Reminder", "Dunning Letter", or "Last Dunning Information" |
Address line | Address line in the beginning of the mail for male receipients | Lieber %VORNAME% %NACHNAME%, |
Text A | Custom text that opens the communication or explains the reason for this communication | bisher verbleibt ein noch offener Betrag i.H.v. %AMOUNT% %CURRENCY% auf Ihrem Kundenkonto. Dies ist die letzte Mahnung. Alle bis zum %DATE% bei uns eingegangenen Zahlungen wurden bereits berücksichtigt. Eine Aufstellung Ihrer noch offenen Posten sowie sämtliche Informationen zur Überweisung sind der beigefügten PDF-Datei zu entnehmen. |
Text B | Custom text that may include the payment term and the total value | Bitte überweise den Betrag bis zum %PAYMENT_TERM% auf das angegebene Konto. |
Text C | Custom text closing the communication | Denken Sie bitte daran, nur die erforderlichen Angaben im Verwendungszweck zu machen. So können wir Ihre Zahlung unmittelbar zuordnen. Sollte eine vollständige Zahlung oder Retoure bereits veranlasst worden sein, erachten Sie diese Erinnerung als gegenstandslos. |
Signature | Custom text to sign the communication | Viele Grüße Ihr Sharing Wheels Team |
The following dynamic elements can be used:
dynamic text | Description | How to include | Sample |
FirstName | First name of receipient | %VORNAME% | John |
LastName | Last name of receipient | %NACHNAME% | Doe |
Amount | Open amount that still needs to be paid by the end-customer | %AMOUNT% | 405,00 |
Currency | Currency of the open amount | %CURRENCY% | EUR |
Date | Date when the last settlement file / bank statement was processed | %DATE% | 31.01.2024 |
Payment Term | Payment term until when the end-customer has to pay the open amount | %PAYMENT_TERM% | 01.02.2024 |
The image below shows what can be changed in the PDF-attachement / letter:
For the setup of the emails we need the following information:
Information | Description | Sample |
Info box | Custom text that may be used to inform about office hours and customer service details | Visit us here: |
Reference text | Custom reference. | "Friendly Reminder", "Dunning Letter" or "Last Dunning Information" |
Address line | Address line in the beginning of the mail for female receipients | Liebe %VORNAME% %NACHNAME%, |
Text A | Custom text that opens the communication or explains the reason for this communication | leider sind Sie auch unserm Mahnschreiben nicht nachgekommen. Folgende Beträge sind auf Ihrem Kundenkonto noch ausstehend |
Text B | Custom text that may include the payment term and the total value | Alle Zahlungen, die bis zum %%DATE%% bei uns eingegangenen sind, wurden bereits berücksichtigt. |
Text C | Custom text that may be used to address how the open amount should be paid | Wir fordern Sie letztmalig dazu auf, den fälligen Gesamtbetrag i.H.v. %AMOUNT% %CURRENCY% bis zum %PAYMENT_TERM% unter Verwendung der folgenden Angaben zu überweisen: |
Text D | Custom text closing the communication | Bitte geben Sie ausschließlich diese Angaben bei Ihrer Überweisung an, andernfalls können wir Ihre Zahlung nicht zuordnen. Sollte eine vollständige Zahlung oder Retoure bereits veranlasst worden sein, erachten Sie diese Mahnung als gegenstandslos. |
Text E | This text can only be displayed on the last communication. It is usually used to address that the company may take legal actions if the open amount is not paid. | Sollten Sie nicht rechtzeitig zahlen, behalten wir uns vor, rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten. |
Signature | Custom text to sign the communication | Viele Grüße Ihr Sharing Wheels Team |
The following dynamic elements can be used:
dynamic text | Description | How to include | Sample |
FirstName | First name of receipient | %VORNAME% | John |
LastName | Last name of receipient | %NACHNAME% | Doe |
Amount | Open amount that still needs to be paid by the end-customer | %AMOUNT% | 405,00 |
Currency | Currency of the open amount | %CURRENCY% | EUR |
Date | Date when the last settlement file / bank statement was processed | %DATE% | 31.01.2024 |
Payment Term | Payment term until when the end-customer has to pay the open amount | %PAYMENT_TERM% | 01.02.2024 |