Stripe Connector

General Company Information


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How does the connector work?

An overview of the Stripe-connector to use Accounting as a Service without additional integration requirements to provide orders, invoices and refunds.

The Accounting as a Service-Stripe-connector listens to the events taking place in Stripe. The following events are relevant for the accounting:

  1. invoice.finalized - This means that the invoice for the end-customer has been issued
  2. CreditNote.created - This means that a credit note, deriving from a return or a good will credit has been issued and paid out.
  3. reporting.report_type.updated - Stripe has an update for the settlement files, which can be requested

Accounting as a Service books your revenues and taxes based on this information.


Stripe connector processes:

The following process shall describe when the events are created and what happens in Accounting as a Service.

Invoice process

  1. Order is placed in webshop
  2. Stripe creates invoice and captures
  3. Riverty listens to this event (invoice.finalized) and pulls data
  4. Riverty books accordingly
  5. Riverty receives settlement information (via interface)
  6. Riverty books accordingly
  7. Stripe clears towards client‘s bank
  8. Riverty receives bank statement
  9. Riverty books accordingly

Refund process

  1. Goodwill is granted by client
  2. Stripe takes over payout process
  3. Riverty listens to this event (credit.Note) and pulls data
  4. Riverty books accordingly
  5. Riverty receives settlement information (via interface)
  6. Riverty books accordingly

How do I connect Stripe to Accounting as a Service?

Accounting as a Service already has a connector to Stripe events. Therefore no additional implementation on your side is required. However, to use this connector, you need to

  1. Set up the Webhooks for Accounting as a Service in Stripe
  2. Allow Accounting as a Service to download settlement-, invoice-, refund and tax Information (create a restricted API-key)

1. Set up a the Accounting as a Service webhooks in Stripe

The following steps have to be completed for the testing and production environment The provided URLs need to be saved for the different webhooks. For this go to "Developers" in the section "Webhooks" (Test / Production)


  1. Copy the whole URL provided by the Accounting as a Service API-Team
  2. Enter a description that helps you to identify that the endpoint is set up for Accounting as a Service (e.g. Accounting as a Service invoices)
  3. Add the event
    • Invoices:
      • invoice.finalized
    • Refunds:
      • credit_notes.created
      • invoice.voided
    • Settlement:
      • reporting.report_type.updated
      • reporting.report_run.succeeded
      • reporting.report_run.failed

The final screen for invoices should look like this. If so, please add the endpoint URL:


The final screen for refunds/creditNotes should look like this.


The final screen for settlement-files should look like this.


2. Create a restricted API-key

You need to generate one restricted API-key for us named "Riverty_key", to allow us to request the tax information (When an invoice is created, we read the tax_key and identifiy if the tax rate is full / reduces / taxless), the invoice-, refund- and settlement information. For this, go to "Developers" and select "API keys".


On the page, you can generate a new restricted key. For this, please select the following rights to "read" to allow Accounting as a Service to retrieve the tax-, invoice-, refund- and settlement information for each line item in your invoice:

  • The resources types: Events, Invoices, Tax Rates and Report Runs and Report Types

And for the selltement files the following right must be set to "write":

  • The resources type: Files


After clicking "create key", the generated key will be displayed.


Please provide this key to the Accounting as a Service team.

The rest of the work takes place within and by the Accounting as a Service Teams.

3. Setup taxes in Stripe

You need to set a tax rate in Stripe that we can process the payments.


In addition, a description such as ‘Taxless’, ‘Reduced’ or ‘Normal’ must be entered for each tax code, to allow us to identify the tax category. For example: Stripe%20Connector%20-%20tax%20rate

Please note: All three steps listed under How do I connect Stripe to Accounting as a Service must be carried out once in the Test mode and in the Live mode of Stripe.

Briefly summarized the Stripe-Connector Setup:

  1. We provide the three URLs for the webhook endpoints for test and three URLs for the webhook endpoints for prod environment to you
  2. You need to set up in your Stripe account the webhooks and add the events: Invoices: invoice.finalized; Refunds: credit_notes.created, invoice.voided; Settlement: reporting.report_type.updated, reporting.report_run.succeeded, reporting.report_run.failed
  3. You need to provide us the created restricted key from your Stripe account with the permission "read" for the Resource Types Events, Invoices and Tax Rates for the test and prod environment
  4. You need to setup taxes in your Stripe test and prod environment

What do I need to do, if I have multiple legal entities to report in?

If you have multiple legal entities and you need to have separate month-end reports, you need to have the data separated in Stripe already as well. Stripe supports this with creating different accounts/stores. The previously described process needs to be performed for each Account. Please provide the information, which Stores/Accounts are set up in Stripe, so that we can generate a subscription key and URL for each Store/Account. The following information is required:

  • Name of the store/legal entity
  • Country of the legal entity
  • Currency of the store

Please note: if you want to extend your business to new country-stores / legal entities, Accounting as a Service needs to be set up in the same way. Therefore please contact us, so that we can set you up and generate a subscription key and URL for the new business.

Scope of setup

The following scope is included in the standard setup. If you need any additional services (e.g. Collection, additional business codes, payment methods or an adaptation of the dunning process), you can contact us during or after the initial setup and we will help you will setting up these additional requirements.

  • Country of origin (of company): DE-EUR, CH-CHF, AT-EUR, NL-EUR, PL-PLN
  • Payment setup:
    • Capture in Stripe
    • Refund in Stripe
    • Invoice document creation in Stripe
    • Payment Methods:
      • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover)
      • PayPal
      • Apple Pay
      • Google Pay
      • Direct Debit (collected by Stripe)
      • Bank transfer (collected by Stripe)
      • Open Invoice (collected by Stripe)
      • Bancontact (for Belgium)
      • EPS (for Austria)
      • Giropay (for Germany)
      • iDEAL (for Netherlands)
      • P24 (for Poland)
      • SOFORT (for Germany and Austria)
      • Klarna (open invoice, instalments, direct debit)
    • Bank statement (via Camt.053 and EBICs setup)
    • Standard Dunning process - configurations can be changed afterwards
    • Month end report via notification or via Email

Which information is required to get set up in Accounting as a Service?

The following information will have to be provided by you so that we can set you up in Accounting as a Service:

In addition to the connector and the settlement information, Accounting as a Service needs to get access to your bank account so that incoming payments from Stripe and payments transfered by end-customers in the dunning process can be booked. For this we need to get EBICs-users/credentials (for more informatino click here)

What else has to be done?

  1. The Accounting as a Service Team has to set up the system for you as a client. This is done with the provided data.
  2. You have to sign the contract that we will provide to you
    Optional: you have to register to receive the notifications - please let us know what your user-name is so that we can link this to your productive account

How do I receive my month-end report for the general ledger?

To receive the month end reporting for your general ledger, you have to register to receive the month-end notification Alternatively you can receive the month-end reporting via Email (Format: CSV or XML) or using the SAP-to-SAP interface. Please let us know what channel you want to use and provide the list of receipients in case of Email.