Month-end closing

An overview of the month-end closing procedure of Accounting as a Service with the provision of all relevent general ledger information.

The accounting module follows a monthly rhythm when dealing with bookings periods. Therefore, at the end of each month, the related period will be closed, and the general ledger balance will be shared with you in order to be imported on your end.

The data is aggregated on company code, country and tax code. Optionally, it can be enriched with customer specific “alternative account numbers” (which will allow the Accounting as a Service chart of accounts to be mapped to the merchant's chart of accounts) and transferred from Accounting as a Service to the general ledger of the client on a monthly basis. The file contains general ledger balances of the reporting period of the accounting plan.

Format options

The data will be provided in XML, CSV, XLS or iDOC format. If you are using a SAP GL for your internal (GL) accounting purposes, iDOC might be the easiest way to automatically import files into your system.

Transfer options

In order to handle the data transfer of the general ledger information, the accounting module offers the following format and data transfer handling options:

  • Download via sFTP: We can provide you with a dedicated sFTP account. Once the general ledger balance is available, you can download the data as a file for automated importing from the sFTP server.
  • Reception via Email: We can provide your accounting department with the general ledger information by email.

The general ledger information that will be provided to you contains the data of the previous booking period (month). The selection of which method to be used for the monthly data provision as well as the selection of the format is part of the technical application.

Download via sFTP

When using this transfer option, you will provide be provided with dedicated sFTP credentials to the sFTP server of Accounting as a Service as part of the onboarding process.

Once the booking period of the previous month has been closed and the month end report has been generated, the file will be saved by the accounting module on the sFTP server, where it can be downloaded by you at any time. When picking up the file, you can delete the file afterwards. Otherwise, it will be deleted automatically after 30 days.

Possible file formats

Based on your configuration, the file format will be one of the following formats:

Format Sample Designed for
iDOC idoc-sample.htm automated import in SAP G/L
XML xml-sample.xml automated import in other G/L systems
CSV csv-sample.csv automated import in other G/L systems
XLS xls-sample.xlsx manual import in any system

Helpful information to read the file (iDOC, XML, CSV)

When working with the files, be aware of the following field names and their explanation.


An overview of the field names of the header.

Field name Description
BUKRS Company code for which the report is created
BELNR Accounting document number
GJAHR Fiscal year
BLART Document type
BLDAT Document date in document
BUDAT Posting date in the document
MONAT Fiscal period
WWERT Translation date
USNAM Username (creator of document)
TCODE Transaction code
XBLNR Reference document number
BKTXT Document header text
WAERS Currency key
GLVOR Business transaction
AWTYP Reference procedure
AWSYS Reference document number
BUKRS_SND Company code
NUMPG Number of pages
STJAH Fiscal year of reversal document
XBLNR_LONG Reference document number (for dependencies, see long text
VATDATE Tax reporting date

An overview of the field names for normal entries.

Field name Description
BUZEI Number of line item within accounting document
AUGDT Clearing date
AUGCP Clearing entry date
BSCHL Posting key
KOART Account type
SHKZG Debit/credit indicator
DMBTR Amount in local currency
DMBE2 Amount in second local currency or group currency
DMBE3 Amount in third local currency or first freely-def. currency
WRBTR Amount in document currency
KZBTR Original reduction amount in local currency
PSWBT Amount for updating in general ledger
HWBAS Tax base amount in local currency
FWBAS Tax base amount in document currency
VALUT Value date
ZUONR Assignment number
SGTXT Account name in general ledger
VORGN Transaction type for general ledger
FDTAG Planning date
TXGRP Group indicator for tax line items
KOSTL Cost center
POSN2 Sales document item
BZDAT Asset value date
PERNR Personnel number
HKONT General ledger account number
ABPER Settlement period
MENGE Quantity
ERFMG Quantity in unit of entry
BPMNG Quantity in unit of entry
EBELP Item number of purchasing document
ZEKKN Sequential number of account assignment
BUALT Amount posted in alternative price control
DABRZ Reference date for settlement
AUFPL Task list number for operations in order
APLZL General counter for order
PROJK Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
PAOBJNR Profitability segment number (CO-PA)
KBLPOS Earmarked funds: document item
OBZEI Number of line item in original document
TXDAT Date for defining tax rates
GBETR Hedged amount in foreign currency
TAXPS Tax document item number
MWSKZ Tax on sales/purchases code
KBLPOS Earmarked funds: document item

Helpful information to read the file (XLS)

When working with the files, be aware of the following field names and their explanation.

Field name Description
Company Code Company code for which the report is created
G/L Account Accounting as a Service internal account number of the G/L account
Alternative Account No. If you provide your own chart of accounts, we will map the internal to your account numbers
G/L Acct Long Text Name of the G/L account in Accounting as a Service
Currency Currency of report
Tax Code Tax information of the values provided (for example for Germany)
A1 = normal tax (output tax)
A2 = reduced tax (output tax)
A0 = tax free (output tax)
V1 = normal tax (input tax)
V2 = reduced tax (input tax)
V0 = tax free (input tax)
EMPTY = not relevant for taxes
Balance Carryforward Balance taken over from previous fiscal year
Balance of Prior Period Balance taken over from previous period
Debit Balance of Reporting Period Sum of all bookings in debit of reporting period
Credit Balance Reporting Period Sum of all bookings in credit of reporting period
Balance of Reporting Period Difference between debit and credit bookings of reporting period
Accumulated Balance New balance at the end of the period