Computop Connector

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How does the connector work?

An overview of the Computop-connector to use Accounting as a Service without additional integration requirements to provide orders, invoices and refunds.

The Accounting as a Service-Computop-connector books your revenues and taxes based on the information provided to Computop. In addition to this, Accounting as a Service collects the settlement information directly from Computop and books according to the imported information. Thereby Accounting as a Service knows which orders have been paid successfully and which payments failed or have been charged back. For the failed orders, Accounting as a Service can take over the dunning process and the transfer to collection as well as the handling of collection agency output. Legal Debt Collection itself can be offered as an additional plug & play service. The payment of these orders usually arrive on your bank account. Accounting as a Service therefore also considers your bank account statements and books all incoming payments to make sure that only customers receive a dunning notification, if the order amount is still open.


How do I connect Computop to Accounting as a Service?

Accounting as a Service already has a connector to Computop. Therefore you can simply enhance your Computop Paygate integration to connect with us. Find the necessary information specified here: Computop interface Debtor Management Riverty

What do I need to do, if I have multiple legal entities to report in?

If you have multiple legal entities and you need to have separate month-end reports, you need to have the data separated in Computop already as well. Please provide the information, which Stores/Accounts are set up with Computop. The following information is required:

  • Name of the store/legal entity
  • Country of the legal entity
  • Currency of the store

Please note: if you want to extend your business to new country-stores / legal entities, Accounting as a Service needs to be set up in the same way. Therefore please contact us, so that we can set you up accordingly.

Which information is required to get set up in Accounting as a Service?

Please refer to the following page for onboarding information: getting started

In addition to the connector and the settlement information, Accounting as a Service needs to get access to your bank account so that incoming payments from Computop and payments transfered by end-customers in the dunning process can be booked. For this we need to get EBICs-users/credentials (for more informatino click here)

What else has to be done?

  1. The Accounting as a Service Team has to set up the system for you as a client. This is done with the provided data.
  2. You have to sign the contract that we will provide to you Afterwards you can register to receive the notifications

How do I receive my month-end report for the general ledger?

Please refer to the following page for receiving your month-end reporting: month-end notification

Scope of setup

The following scope is included in the standard setup. If you need any additional services (e.g. Collection, additional business codes, payment methods or an adaptation of the dunning process), you can contact us during or after the initial setup and we will help you will setting up these additional requirements.

  • Country of origin (of company): DE-EUR, CH-CHF, AT-EUR, NL-EUR, PL-PLN
  • Payment setup:
    • Capture via Computop
    • Refund via Computop
    • Payment Methods:
      • AfterPayDirectDebit
      • AfterPayInstallmentsDirectDebit
      • AfterPayInstallmentsOpenInvoice
      • AfterPayOpenInvoice
      • AmazonPay
      • AmericanExpress
      • ApplePayExpressCheckout
      • ArvatoDirectDebitSepa
      • Bancontact
      • Blik
      • BlikCodeOnly
      • CashOnDelivery
      • DinersClub
      • Discover
      • Eps
      • Giftcard
      • Giropay
      • GooglePay
      • Ideal
      • InAppAmazon
      • InAppApple
      • InAppGoogle
      • InStoreOpenInvoice
      • InStorePickup
      • InStorePrepayment
  • Bank statement (via Camt)
  • Standard Dunning process - configurations can be changed afterwards
  • Month end report via notification or via Email